Your family and its composition
Briefly outline the following:
a) Background:family structure, with details of parents and siblings, including their dates of birth or ages at death.
Significant details of other family members. Please attach a family tree. Childhood experiences; significance of
culture/ethnicity, religion and language in upbringing. Attitude to disability/experience of disabled people. Applicant(s)' view about own upbringing and past family relationships, and impact of upbringing on present functioning and relationships.
b) Education:type of school; views on their own experience of education and relevance to any child placed.
c) Employment: work experience including voluntary and unpaid; present employment; importance of work; attitude to/experience of unemployment as it relates to family life/family roles.
d) Interests/talents:What? When? With whom? Amount of time involved.
e) Personality: Self presentation - how do applicants see and understand themselves ‑ including their own racial and cultural identity.
Profile of family
Please use about 500 words to outline personalities/family life, interests, experience, etc. Highlight specific qualities
which would assist in matching with a child's needs, paying particular attention to the previous section on specific
matching considerations.
N.B. This section is intended to be used for initial identification of a potential match with a specific child. It provides the
opportunity for the assessing worker to give more detailed information about comments in 5a. It is essential that no
final decision on linking is made without reference to Part 2 and a fuller discussion of the issues raised.