How Music Can Help Your Child Develop Literacy Skills
Music is vital for our children - Charlie Carpenter tells us how.
Photo via Pixabay by Thedanw
All parents want the best for their children, and when it comes to learning, that can involve many different things. Every child receives information differently--some easier than others--and there are certain activities that can help the brain wake up, take that information in, and understand it. Music is one of those things. It can boost our stamina levels, help us feel more motivated, and change our mood. For kids, it can make a huge difference in listening, language, and math skills, which can help throughout the entirety of their school career.
“Music activities provide an excellent means for increasing children's listening skills. Four-and five-year-olds can develop listening skills that will help them sing in tune, create melodies, accompany themselves on instruments, and move to music. They can be taught to listen to the expressive elements of music, such as melody, rhythm, and dynamics. In one way or another, music at all levels is focused on listening,” reads a study on
As many studies have proven, the earlier your child has exposure to music, the better off they’ll be when it comes to learning literacy skills. Here are a few of the ways tunes can help your child learn and grow.
Listening skills
Your child can hear, but can he listen?That’s a question many parents find themselves asking when it comes to their children cleaning their room or doing their homework. Exposing your kids to song at an early age will help them develop listening skills that will enable them to pay attention and focus on the task at hand rather than drowning out the important stuff, and that can go a long way towards a successful school career.
If your child expresses an interest in making music of some kind, look into creating an area in your home where he or she is free to do it without interruption. According to HomeAdvisor, it costs an averageof $1,642 to soundproof a room in your home, but it will be worth it if it helps your child pursue an activity that makes him happy.
Increase math and writing skills
Learning how to read music and lyric sheets is wonderful for young minds, because it helps them grow their math and writing skills. Reading the music scales and sounding out words phonetically can give kids a boost when it comes to those areas, without them even realizing it. Music can also help kids recognize patterns, which translates easily to learning language. This is why so many children who are on the autism spectrum respond joyfullyto song.
Boost vocabulary
Singing songs can help young children boost their vocabulary by teaching the rules of rhyme and grammar. Sit down with your toddler and watch a video of some silly songs; does he become engaged and repeat the words? Even if he doesn’t understand what they mean right away, that language becomes part of his vocabulary, building it for the better.
Get social
Sharing music with someone who appreciates it just as much as you do probably makes you happy; it can have the same effect on your child! Look for local programs that engage young people with music and allow your child to participate as often as you can. Your public library may have a singalong day for different ages, or a music program for older kids that allows them to try out different instruments. Getting him or her involved in music in any way will not only help them in school, it will help them stay social as well.
It’s important to allow your child to experiment with different types and genres of music. If he’s not big on singing, perhaps he prefers playing an instrument. Some kids love dance because it’s a way to actively express themselves. Let your little one find out what’s right for him and encourage him to pursue it.