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A member has started the process!

Decorative photo for Feeling confident from information read a member has begun to adopt

One of the first members of International Adoption Guide has taken the step to begin the process of adopting a child from India!

I am hoping that this will be the first of many, many, many of you.

The couple confidently made the first phone call on Wednesday and received their application form today.

It was so lovely to talk to this member  just before she made the big phone call, preparing her for what should would be asked and the possible reaction. And even better to hear her excited voice today,  telling me that it all went very well, and she is at last on the road to adoption and the chance of parenthood.

We discussed a few of the questions that she had regarding referrals and the medical and then she rushed off to fill in and send off the form, step one on the process to having a child.

And with that one step there is the chance that one child will not be spending their live in an institution. It is rumoured that there are almost 25 million children growing up in  India without parental care.  That is a number that is too big to contemplate and one that simply cannot disappear through any intervention. But at least one of those children will have the chance to lead a normal life - that of a family.

There has been much discussion in the media at the moment about adoption and the subtleties are being missed. Mr Cameron at the Tory Party Conference ask why "people are flying all over the world to adopt babies" when there are children here available for adoption.

I think that there are two very separate camps. One is that some people believe in adoption and the other is that some do not.  In my experience those that work directly with children, are pro adoption and those who are against, are those who have never come near a child growing  up without parental care.

When I speak to orphanage directors in Harare, or facilitators in Bulgaria, or to care workers in Moscow, they all have one aim - that is to place their children with loving families.  It is a life's work, which they are passionate about and  the benefits of which, are never questioned. When I have visited orphanages, too many times children run up to me and ask me "Are you my mummy?".  A child needs and wants a family. And that need is no greater in London than in Laos. 

Maybe, Mr Cameron, people fly all over the world because they know that they can make a difference to a little child's life? Perhaps they know that some countries believe in adoption and want parents for their children. Perhaps they understand that in some countries they are honoured, respected and applauded. And they know that some countries would rather their children grow up with loving families, then in institutions or foster homes.

Cut down the regulation, reduce the costs, take responsibility for choices, acknowledge that some will not work, trust in families and believe in adoption. In that way not only will all UK's children find families but so too will many of the world's orphans. France can do it, Italy can do it and so can we.

Adoption benefits all - you, your family, your future child, their birth parents, your neighbourhood, your child's country. 

It is only by taking that one step, like our member today, to bring you closer to fulfilling your and a child's dream of a family. We are here to help you take that deep breath and that first step to creating your tomorrow.



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