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So sad, so very sad

18 July 2013

It is with a very heavy heart that I hear of Russia banning adoptions of their children by single adopters. This has come about because of the same sex marriage bill that passed into law this week and the feelings that if they allow adoptions to same sex couples and single people they will be dishonouring their children.
To think that my little son, and all the other children that UK single people have adopted, would be stuck in an orphanage all his life is to horrific to contemplate. With children only having a 1 in 6000 chance of being adopted one would think that these countries will want any good parent to be a family to them. Our children are bought up by extended family, neighbourhood and community. This morning seeing my son rush into school laden down with gifts for all his teachers and all the happiness on the teachers faces and their opening their arms to hug him filled me with such joy. To think that this may never have happened and will not be happening for some children is too sad for words.

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