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We need your help

We are creating an adoption agency - but this cannot happen without your help.

Growing International Families Together is going to give 50 orphan children a year back their lives through inter-country adoption. So if you are planning to adopt we take all the drama out of the process and will do everything needed to unite you with your child.

But to do this I need your help to set up. If everyone who read this website donated just £1 we will be able to pay for all our legal fees and we will be able to help you tomorrow. This is not a lot of money to change your life and to fulfil your dream of becoming parents.

We are running an on-line fundraising campaign to make it easy for you. Simply click on the link below and hit the red button.

Help me to help you!

Thank you for your kind donations and your generous support. You have given the GiFT of Love


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Adoption News

Why UK has low Inter country adoption numbers

Published - Mar 23, 2017

Nepal to begin process to ratify Hague Convention

Published - Mar 14, 2017