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Views archive

Our archive of views, opinion and reflections regarding international adoption into the UK.

How can this be?

Russia's tit-for-tat mentality has gone a step to far. In response to what is precieved as humiliation with the US's Magnitsky Act he has condemned the lives of thousands of Children.

Ofsted releases statistics on adoption

Ofsted has just released its first report on adoption statistics for 2011-2012 period

They have got it all wrong

International adoption in the UK has a terrible official reputation. Instead of being an incredible humanitarian act it is perceived to be either a route for the trafficking of children or immigration through the back door.

That Russian thingy

It is a long time since I wrote my blog as I am working on creating a better way to help you and children who need families, but I just feel compelled to write this down.

Islamic Law, Adoptions and Kafalah

From The Jurist Magazine 6 November 2012

Every orphaned child deserves a home

Guest Blog

Too many children are missing out on adoption

Who Cares That Tom and Nicole's Kids Were Adopted?

Lisa Belkin Senior columnist for Life/Work/Family, The Huffington Post Posted: 07/06/2012 2:57 pm

Open vs. Closed Adoptions

IAC Adoption Expert Kathleen Silber Responds to the Today Show

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Adoption News

Why UK has low Inter country adoption numbers

Published - Mar 23, 2017

Nepal to begin process to ratify Hague Convention

Published - Mar 14, 2017