What a morning of frustration. I returned a phone message first thing from someone who wants to adopt. She answered the mobile phone and when I said where I was calling from she told me that she was at work and could I call her back at 5pm. Well 5pm is a little inconvenient for me.. yeah but you will call me back at 5, won't you? Cos I can't talk now.
I then called the next person on my long list. This time it was the sister of someone who wants to adopt from India. Oh my goodness, 19 minutes later I put down the phone and two hours later I am still recovering. I feel as if I have been bled dry. It was one of those conversations that no matter what I offered, there was a reason why it was not good enough.
I have a fully comprehensive website that has over 588 pages of information about adoption. Facts, contacts, information, tips, insight, others experiences, my advice, shortcuts, budgets, legal information, academic articles, support organizations, knowledge, experience.
All this for only £19.99. Ahh but she needs to know....
Well I offer personal consultations. One on one sessions where we can explore your questions and concerns and I can show you what the process is and how you can go forward. These are amazingly productive. This is what one of my clients has said "Cecile’s consultations have been invaluable in terms of turning my abstract dreams of adoption into a concrete reality with a defined road map going forwards. By demystifying what I’d perceived as the daunting process of adoption and providing me with the knowledge and contacts, she gave the courage to get off the fence I had been sitting on for years and take that leap of faith. Her guidance has been empowering and transformational ". Mmm I'm not really sure as my sister works in the child care arena and has good awareness of adoption...but do you do these on the weekend and at night as she is working.
Then I thought our fantastic new seminar
Post IVF and Beyond would be perfect for her. All her questions and concerns can be explored in a safe and secure environment and we will create a montage about a joyous future together. She will be able to unravel her conflicting viewpoints, wanting to give birth, having a secure bond with a child, not having a partner, being adopted herself, creating family that will be approved, panicking about timings...
Post IVF and Beyond Seminar will guarantee that by the beginning of summer she will have a clear path of what is expected to happen in her future. She will be unstuck and have a road map of her future. She will know that the future does not have to be equal to the past and she will be able to step forward with confidence and ease on the path to parenthood.
But even this was not good enough. She doesn't want to spend the money, as she is trying to do up her house...
Well, I am afraid that at that point I lost a little of my cool. My house could certainly do with a bit of 'doing up' - I've had a slab of bumpy concrete as my kitchen floor for forever but that is not important to me. What is important is that children have families and I can help potential parents to become those families. And to do this, I have to invest my time and energy. But I cannot help anyone who does not want to invest in their own future. Twenty minutes boiled down to the fact that actually this lady is so tied up in confusion and wants and fears that years will go by before she can unravel it. But she doesn't want to be proactive about doing something about it. It is safe I guess to be stuck. To be pondering the wheres and why-fores. It takes courage and fortitude to explore what is actually at the core of your beliefs, and determination and grit to switch these limiting belief patterns. But once you have tweaked your beliefs, once you have created what to expect for your future, this
will be realised.
And 'what to expect' is what
Post IVF and Beyond is all about. We look at what is the most important thing for you and your future. We help you realise that what really matters, is that which is really important to you, not your mother, not your past, not your society, but to you. And we do this in a timely manner. So yes it does cost a little money, but as the credit card commercial states the results are priceless. You see yourself either at a crossroads, or you see yourself getting off the fence and creating a constructive road map for a bright future. It is up to you, to invest in your future.
Contact us today to help you for tomorrow.
AND to give you a kick start, we are inviting you to come and listen to our stories at a
FREE teleseminar on Wednesday 24th April at 21h00.
Simply send me an email cecile@internationaladoptionguide.co.uk expressing your interest and we will send you the telephone details. As they say, a journey of 1000 miles starts with one small step. Take the first small step and we will be there.
Looking forward to helping you,
Post IVF and Beyond Cecile@internationaladoptionguide.co.uk International Adoption Guide
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