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New Major Position for Adoption in Politics

Common sense prevails, at long last. I am so grateful that at last adoption is being taken seriously in the high ranks of government, with the appointment of Martin Narey as Ministerial Advisor on Adoption.

I have always admired Martin Narey in his CEO role in Bernardo's. He seems to be a straight talking, pragmatic man who has bought common sense back into the adoption world - not getting caught up in interests of stake holders but in the interests of the child and the parent. Every bit of research has shown that it is imperative that children and their new adoptive parents are put together as soon as possible for the bonding to take place and the reduction of long-term issues. And in his report commissioned by The Times he has come up with 19 recommendations that we as adoptive parents have been talking about for years.  It has taken the weight of a major newspaper and the committment of those that care to bring about this good news.

What he is asking for is a complete shift in thinking - and he says it best when he says there is a problem with attitudes, in that some people "just don't like adoption". And by some people I feel that he is talking about social services who for some reason want to keep children in care. As well as, let's be honest, some aspects of the media, who relish in showing the negative side and provoking strong responses to what is a complex and controversial subject.

But at the base of this subject are little children, who through no fault of their own, have found themselves to be in vulnerable positions. It is pure common sense to give these children safe and stable homes as quickly as possible. And this is what our new Ministerial Advisor is going to do.

To change attitudes, and over haul this monolithic system he has his work cut out for him. But he is not alone, there are many interested parties that believe in adoption and with his no-nonsense leadership we can come together to create a positive proactive force that will bring life affirming changes to Britain's children in need.



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