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Silver award for progress

It was with such pride that I discovered in my son's back pack this morning a Certificate.

It was a Siver Certificate of Progress awarded each year to the child who has made the most progress in their year group.  The news had got lost In all the excitement of end of term and holidays. Wow! What a fantasitc result for a year of hard work. Progess being made and catch up with his peers - all the more remarkable as he never spoke a word until he was three and only started putting sentances together at 4.

This makes me feel so convinced that adoption is the right way to go. But phew have I had some criticisms since I launched my campaign for GiFT.

I find it so strange that people think it is better to build a playground then to give them love. Ah but that is an interesting word that no one wants to mention with adoption - love. I have heard so many arguements about adoption but never with the word love in it. I think that it would be very different story if love was part of the discussion. We don't think a child should have love, giving a child love is really bad for them, better to improve the orphanage then to give love, a child needs to stay where they are rather then have love. You get the point.

All I want to do is give love to a child. I could not imagine a life without it. No brother, sister, mother, father, auntie, cousin. No neighbour, no adult friends, no one to look out for you, to watch out over you. How alone and scary can that be? Having nothing to fall back on. Imagine having a home and then being asked to leave it and not to come back - ever - that there is no place you can fall back on when times get rough. And times are going to get rough.

It makes me so sad all these arguments. Life is not perfect - get over it. If you can make life a little bit better for someone - should you not do that?

You can make life a little bit better for someone. You can contribute now to the GiFT of Love fund . It is very easy. Simply click on the link below, see the red button on the right, click on it and make your contribution.

Thank you! Every little bit brings a child closer to love and security. You have given the Gift of Love. Bless you.

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