This is the text message that I received on Friday at around 4pm - a great announcement on the birth of my Godson's son.
Such excitement at the arrival of this little boy into the world and into the bosom of this amazing family. His birth clarifies the link that already exists between two families, forming a bond that will create a positive and secure future for him. It is a wonderful feeling to see how safe and how loved this precious child is.
And a sharp contrast to those children who are unfortunate enough to be born into a family who, for what ever reason, are unable to look after them. Children born of mother's who cannot cope, who are not supported, who are too poor to afford even the basics. These children face a life path which is uncertain, vague and precarious. One hopes that there are systems in place which the birth mothers can fall back on, but in some countries these hopes will never be fulfilled. Mothers will become desperate and their children will join the millions of abandoned, abused, neglected others who litter the world today. My Godson's child is blessed and he is fortunate to have a strong and loving family who will support him, nurture him and offer him every opportunity for fulfil his destiny.
For a handful of the millions of children without parental care, adoption will give them the opportunity to find a family who will support them, nurture them and give them every opportunity to fulfil their destiny - in other words give them a chance to lead a normal life and to be part of a stong and loving family.
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