Dear Friends
Many of you may be aware of the anti-orphanage movements that are gathering pace most notably in Australia, but also in other countries. We have been monitoring this for some months, but the situation turned a critical corner this week when World Challenge, one of the largest volunteer organisations in the world that has supported Lotus for 15 years, took the decision to immediately sever ties with orphanages and residential care projects globally. This decision was taken off the back of a new partnership with ReThink Orphanages Network, which is an Australian organisation that boldly claims all orphanages in the world are bad and must be forced to close. The way they seek to close us down is by taking away all of the vital support, both in terms of volunteers and funding, which we rely on so heavily to enable us to care for our children.
Before publicising this decision, World Challenge made no contact with us about the matter to discuss any concerns or explain their change in policy. Indeed we only found out for ourselves through social media on Tuesday evening. We have since learnt that World Challenge does not have any specific concerns about Lotus, rather this blanket policy has been adopted as a result of months of lobbying by ReThink.
Most of the arguments of ReThink are formed on data and horrific stories from institutions in Southeast Asia and Africa, and we do not dispute that these stories are true and the figures are accurate, and indeed very disturbing. However, in light of World Challenge’s new policy, there have been a number of highly damaging press releases and news reports endorsed by them which draws Lotus in the same picture as institutions which, in short, are set up as profit-making tourist attractions that separate children from their real families, and ultimately do a lot of harm. Given this attack on our honest work, we believe it is necessary that we speak up now to protect the reputation that Lotus has built up over the last 22 years which ReThink and World Challenge, one of our most loyal supporters in recent times, are now suddenly trying to destroy.
If you do have any questions or concerns about our policies at The Lotus Children’s Centre then we absolutely welcome you to get in touch with us by emailing We are very proud of the work we do for our children, and we hope to be able to continue for many years to come with you by our side.
Thank you.