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Flame of Injustice and Flame of Hope

Listening to Radio 4 whilst sitting in the sunshine traffic jam, Tony Benn's words jumped out at me. You know when sometimes you hear something and it has such resonance that you feel the words rather then hear them?

Well, that is what has just happened. In the interview referring to his book 'Letters to My Grandchildren' , Benn was questioned about his optimism. He replied 'In the heart there are two flames, one for injustice and one for hope, I try to keep both burning'.

Wham! That is exactly it in one sentence - thank you Mr Benn. Those two flames burn so brightly in my heart as well. The flame burning for the forgotten children. Through no fault of their own life has thrown them a terrible injustice. And we can look upon it and say 'Oh Dear' or we can do something about it.

And that is what International Adoption Guide is all about. By helping to empower potential parents to make informed choices to complete their families, I am fueling the flames of hope. Yes, it is my hope that people can see that adoption is a positive option. Yes, it is my hope that a few less children will grow up without a family relationship. Yes, it is my hope that these children learn about love and not just about survival.

Of course, like every beauty pageant contestant, I would like to solve all the problems of the world - but you cannot fix the human. We are by nature prone to make mistakes - but let not the mistakes of the parents be a scar on the child.

I want to make a tiny, tiny difference and I can. I can help parents battle through the maze of inter-country adoption. I can listen and understand their concerns. I can show that it is possible to love a little child who comes from a place that you have never heard of. And I know that no matter what the outcome, those children will have had a chance to run with the sun on their face, the wind in their hair and a voice on their lips. I want them to speak of what is in their hearts and I will smile knowing that it is the flames in my heart that gave them that chance.

The new International Adoption Guide coming soon to

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