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Ukraine: Reform of the Internats

Initiated by the President of Ukraine, the Commissioner for Children's Rights Mr. Yuri Pavlenko gave his speech on the situation of istututi for orphans, children deprived of parental care during the meeting that was held at the end of February 2012 at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine.

"The reform of residential care should be made with regard to the interests and needs of each child," - said Yuri Pavlenko, "close all the internat in one day is impossible and unnecessary, but changed their profile - and 'necessary. Despite the increased costs for maintaining the internat, most of this money goes not to the needs of orphans, but to the employees of these institutions ", - he added.
According to him, in Ukraine you should take advantage of international experience, where STRUCTURES previously used in the social sector - social hostels, centers of social support for children and families, kindergartens, schools and other education institutions school work according to the needs of the community.
Mr. Pavlenko during the trip he visited 23 regions of Ukraine, 62 schools and institutions for children. Has revealed numerous cases of discrimination against care-leavers. For example, the degree of education of these institutions should only contain information on education and there should be no information on child health or social status of the family. This title puts a stamp on the rest of life for children. Ii must change names of institutions themselves, such institutions "for orphans and children deprived of parental care with mental retardation", "can become institutions" for children requiring correction of physical and mental development ", and so on.
The research conducted by the State for the Family and Youth revealed that care-leavers do not have enough self-esteem, often face problems of adjustment in society and their inability to spend money. For children in orphanages most of a 'big problems is to establish new social contacts, because they actually live in "closed" system. Children staying in an institution actually does not go beyond the organized life, and their ability to self-solve many problems and 'almost completely limited.

Press office of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich

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