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Post Adoption Centre extends advice line phone hours

PAC, formerly the Post-Adoption Centre, is extending its phone advice service to include a Wednesday evening slot.

Adoptive parents, carers or children can now get extra support thanks to extended hours of a London-based charity advice line.

The charity supports anyone affected by adoption-related issues including adoptive parents, prospective adoptive parents and other permanent carers.

The service, which offers advice from trained counsellors, runs on weekdays from 10am to 1pm and on Wednesdays and Thursday from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.

PAC's chief executive officer Peter Sandiford, said: "PAC counsellors are all qualified and highly experienced in supporting families and individuals who are, or have been, involved in adoption or permanent care. We can advise adoptive parents and permanent carers who may be struggling to help their child deal with behavioural and emotional difficulties, who need help with telling their child how they came to be part of their family or who are seeking advice on contact with birth families."

The charity also helps birth mothers and relatives deal with the loss of a child, and provides advice on tracing, although it does not provide a tracing service.

For information or advice call 0207 2845879 or visit

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